School Meals
Children have the choice of 2 different hot meals, a jacket potato or sandwiches each day, or they may bring a packed lunch from home.
Notice, in writing, of one full week is required for any child transferring to a packed lunch or on to School Meals.
The cost of a school meal is £2.25 per day (£11.25 per week). Payment must be made using the ParentPay online facility. Please address any queries to Mrs Shaw in the main school office.
If you receive Income Support you may be entitled to free meals for your child. Please contact the Local Authority (Tel: 01642 774 774) or the school office to collect an application form. Children receiving a free meal cannot be distinguished from other children during service.

School meals are in accordance with Government Guidelines on Healthy Eating, and provided by Mellors Catering Services. You are welcome to visit to look at our service at any time, please telephone School to arrange your visit.
Children bringing a packed lunch must do so in an appropriate container, bring a straw or a plastic beaker for their drink (which must be water, pure fruit juice, milk or yoghurt and must not be a tin or in a glass container) and bring a spoon if a dessert is included. All packaging and uneaten food will be taken home. Sweets and fizzy drinks are not allowed at lunch or any other time. Children taking a school meal are given priority over children taking a packed lunch when seats become free in the Hall. Due to the limited space we have available children will be seated according to their choice of school meal or packed lunch.
Healthy eating is promoted in our school, with fruit being available each morning for KS1 and KS2 children.
We have up to Supervisory Assistants to care for the children over the lunch break.