Our youngest pupils begin their school journey in Nursery, known as ‘Hedgehogs’ class. We look forward to welcoming children and families to Hedgehogs following a child’s third birthday. This is an exciting milestone for young children and we aim for the transition to nursery to be a positive and settled experience. Prior to joining us, our nursery teacher contacts parents or carers regularly to share information and organise opportunities for visits to support their child’s transition to Hedgehogs class.
Shortly after starting Hedgehogs class, children will be assigned a Key Person. Their role is to help ensure that every child’s care is tailored to meet their individual needs, to help the child become familiar with the setting and offer a settled relationship for the child.
The Key Person will:
- Support the children in their group and ensure they feel safe and cared for
- Respond sensitively to children’s feelings and behaviours and meet emotional needs by giving reassurance
- Support physical needs
- Be a point of contact for parents and carers
- Build relationships with the child and parents or carers
Children have lots of opportunities to talk, explore, create and follow their interests. Resources are deliberately selected to enable children to make links between their home and classroom environment, offering a sense of security and giving meaning to their play. The magic of stories and words, singing songs and rhymes, and learning about everyday sounds are important aspects of children’s daily learning. Children who have their fourth birthday within the current academic year will be introduced to some letters and sounds through our school phonics scheme, Read, Write Inc.
Children become familiar with the Reception classrooms and staff during their time in Hedgehogs, through shared activities and working with different adults across the setting.